RP600Z Reader Printer
RP600Z Technical Specifications RP603Z Reader Printer Minolta RP603Z is a compact highly functional universal desktop reader printer suitable for all 16mm and 35mm rollfilms and microforms. A newly developed single imaging cartridge with bi-modal capability eliminates the need to change cartridges. RP603Z Technical Specifications RP605Z Reader Printer A floor standing universal microfilm reader printer which can print from both negative and positive microfilm. Zoom and conventional lenses are available for most applications and various attachments are available for microfiche, 16mm cartridges and 16/35mm open rollfilm.
RP605Z Technical Specifications RP607Z Reader Printer A high volume reader printer offering an array of productivity-enhancing features such as first print speed of 6 seconds and multiple print speed of 22 prints per minute. The 607Z is a universal machine suitable for all formats of 16mm and 35mm microfilm with a maximum print output of A3 size. RP607Z Technical Specifications
RP609Z Reader Printer for Aperture Card A reader printer suitable for 35mm engineering applications with a maximum output of A2 size print. Optional carriers enable cards to be automatically fed and printed. The optional carriers also cater for 16mm/35mm open reel and 16mm jackets. RP609Z Technical Specifications
Minolta DAR 2800 Microfilm Camera A fast intelligent fully automated planetary camera capable of filming single and double sided documents. It boasts a built-in automatic reduction and focus feature, frame indexing and automatic document feeder allowing feeding of up to 500 single sheets per minute. Minolta DAR 2800 Microfilm Camera Technical Specifications
Minolta DR1600 Manual Camera Feed A desktop planetary camera that automatically selects both the correct reduction ratio and the proper focus. Other features include frame indexing and auot exposure control. Minolta DR1600 Manual Camera Feed Technical Specifications
The Imtec James Camera is the worlds first combined camera scanner, the Camera Scanner system gives users the security of microfilm combined with convenience of digital image processing. Drawings are scanned in and automatically filmed onto 35mm aperture cards. Imtec Digital James Camera Technical Specifications Oce 3000 Microfilm Aperture Card Scanner The Oce 3000 Scanner is a highly productive microfilm scanner which enables users to scan microfilmed drawings into a digital storage system or to print them. Océ 3000 Technical Specifications
Minolta MS3000 Microfilm Scanner A high-speed microfilm scanner, scanning blipped 16mm microfilm at 4 seconds per frame. The data can be translated into digital format and stored on disc or PC. The information can then be sent via fax or electronic mail to other PC users. Various attachments are available to make it possible for all formats of microfilm to be scanned.
SP3000 Digital Microfilm Reader Printer A reader printer with an array of universal attachments suitable for all formats of microfilm. The digital reader printer scans and prints microforms at 400 dpi. EPIC3000 for Windows EPIC 3000 for Windows offers a high-quality digital solution for distributing and archiving bound documents. It is a cost-saving tool for offices that must respond to frequent requests for information stored in bound materials such as publications, reference works and ledgers. EPIC 3000 for Windows produces crisp, clean digital images of bound information or even three-dimensional objects and gives you the flexibility to distribute these images in the fastest, most reliable and least expensive means available electronically. For added productivity, bound information can be scanned and processed into multiple-page batch files, and then sent directly from the computer workstation via fax, E-mail or the Internet without the cost or time needed to print to paper first. Integrating storage utility packages with EPIC 3000 for Windows allows you to save images of bound documents on the storage media of your choice. CD-ROM, RAID and rewritable disks are some options. These are ideal, cost-effective ways to archive copies of documents. PS3000 PC Bound Information Scanner The PS3000 is a face-up book scanner which enables the scanning of bound volumes, periodicals and magazines. Using Minolta’s Epic software on a PC, it allows you to create a state of the art scanning workstation for archiving and distributing images via fax or over a network.
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