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Tandem Axle Angles
Geometric centerline of a vehicle is a line drawn through the midpoints of the front axle and the rear reference axle.
Tandem scrub angle is the angle formed by the two thrust lines of a tandem axle vehicle. In the diagram below, misalignment causes the tandem axles to work against each other. The steer axle must be turned to offset the “push” of the axles and keep the vehicle moving straight ahead. This causes every tire on the vehicle to scrub.
Thrust angle is the angle formed by the
geometric centerline and the thrust line of an axle.
Tire wear from tandem scrub occurs at the leading edge of the steer tires, in a pattern called “inside/outside” wear. For example, on the front axle of this vehicle, wear would occur on the outside of the left steer tire and on the inside of the right steer tire. Tire wear would occur on all drive axle tires.

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