The Past
New Method
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Why you need our services

New Methodology

  • No longer Isolated (SA Companies)

  • Compete in the International Arena

  • Foreign Companies Investing in SA

  • $/ZAR exchange rate attractive

  • Break up of Cartels

  • New Business Focus:
    - Productivity
    - Availability
    - Reliability

The New Cataloguing System

The new catalogue will describe all stock items using predetermined templates. A template consists of a Noun, Adjective and relevant attributes (example). This is referred to as a Noun, Modifier pair, Characteristics and Values. There are approximately 1900 templates that are used in the USA in the Power Utility and Petroleum industries. This should be adequate to fully describe all stock items.

The shortcomings identified with the current codification system is addressed by the new Cataloguing System namely that:

  • Similar items will always be described in the same way, only values of
    pre-determined characteristics are different.
  • Users are able to use the language of their trade and technical knowledge to describe or search for spares.
  • With correct available specifications, Buyers can rather spend time negotiating with suppliers instead of trying to track down specifications for which they are not generally qualified to do.
  • Duplicate stock cannot be created; the system will flag the user if it already exists while trying to create a new stock description.
  • Confidence in the Description Catalogue will exist with users.
  • All users will talk the same language.
  • Stock levels can be managed down Inter Plant where feasible.
  • All commodities including Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) spares at various plants can be identified where interchangeable items may exist.

For example, many European OEMs use different part or plant position numbers for the same equipment that is used at multiple sites. The different numbers, by virtue of the existing system configuration, require a different stock number although the item may be identical in all respects. With OEM spares, the part number is usually the key of that item’s description and if the part numbers differ, there is no traceable path to identify if the items may be the same.