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  Welcome to the Hacker's Corner. This will be the first of probably monthly features, depending on the Editor's response and your feedback.  The idea behind this column is  to update our valued consultants and other readers on technical happenings inside Brainware and some interesting things we encounter in our daily  travels. Please feel free to email comment and contribution to johanns@brainware.co.za. We will not include any  of  those Internet jokes and scams here, which brings us to the first point. This one is a bit of a lemon because we are all guilty of it to some extent. I think we will all agree that email is a wonderful thing. It took about four years to become commonplace and anybody without an email address nowadays must be from another planet. This great technology  and its growth is attributable almost entirely to the availability of a thing called network bandwidth, which, by the way, was also fuelled by the popularity  and general use of email and the www. However, bandwidth is not entirely free and has really become a scarce commodity.  Even when new technology provides extended bandwidth, we project that it will always remain over-utilised to some extent. It  has become fashionable nowadays for people to circulate literally thousands of jokes, pictures, executables and even video content via their email accounts. This not only kills our precious bandwidth, but most of this is sent and read during business hours, not to even mention unauthorised surfing of the www. As we all know, these hours are paid for by our valued clients. C'mon guys and girls, lets save our bandwidth and be honest to the clients. Consulting is after all a very professional thing. Now on to some more interesting stuff.


  Many technocrats and hackers are avid readers and here we discuss or refer you to some of the more interesting things we encountered over the past month. Books need not be IT related, just interesting and web sites get mentioned not necessarily for their visual appeal but rather for content. Please email your feedback and suggestions.

Recommended books:
The Microsoft File by Wendy Goldman Rohm, Pub.Times Business 1998
ISBN 0-8129-2716-8

Chaos by James Gleick, Pub.  Mandarin 1988
ISBN 0-7493-8606-1
Interesting www:
http://www.redhat.com for its Linux links (more about Linux next month)
http://www.amazon.com for its US$ 750 million turnover in the last quarter of 1998

Until next month! Johann Swart.