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A document listing the Year 2000 Service Offerings of a Company usually has an introduction which explains the problem with all the usual hype which has done the Year 2000 industry so much harm. We all understand the problem and the associated ramifications. So we would therefore ask the following questions regarding the Year 2000 project in your organisation:

  • How big is the problem?
  • What is the risk to the business?
  • What will the impact be on the organisation?
  • What needs to be done?
  • Who will do it?
  • What will it cost?

General viewpoint

Surely all companies have the same methodology and approach to the year 2000 problem, how many ways are there to skin a cat? How difficult can it be?

  • All the required information is available on the WEB.
  • We are constantly reminded that it does not require rocket scientist to solve the problem.
  • That it will cost a lot of money and that there is no value added.
  • It's just a simple date problem.
  • We can load the date off the file server, which is Year 2000 compliant anyway.
  • We have just replaced all our workstations and the supplier guarantees compliance.
  • Another company can do the whole project for R50.00 per PC.

Why Brainware?

Brainware's methodology broadly consists of the following:

  • Populating a database (or asset register) with information of all the computer devices, software, embedded systems and PLC's in the organisation.
  • Providing answers to the six questions posed above.
  • Planning a rectification strategy.
  • Preparing a budget to present to the executive for approval.
  • Maintaining compliance until after the Year 2000.
  • Constantly monitoring the level of risk to the business.
  • Reducing the risk and impact on the organisation by understanding the problems being faced.
  • Managing the risks that is posed from the supply chain and the various interfaces.
  • Human interface Management, a process developed by the organisational development team involve the users in the Year 2000 process and eliminates the perception "It's an IT problem".