

Celé Cosmetics - The French Perfume Company - Perfume Hints

Perfume Hints

Fragrances will last for different time periods on individuals and are influenced by such factors as genetics, diet, hormones, pregnancy, smoking. (Oily skin holds scent much better than dry skin). It is important to note your sense of smell will normally stop picking up your own perfume after a short period of time, although others will notice it for many hours. Avoid over-applying your fragrance. You become inured to the strength of the scent but others may find it suffocating. Weather plays a significant role, especially the amount of humidity and moisture in the air. On cold days your perfume will not smell as strong, but will last longer as opposed to hot dry days when it will smell stronger but won’t last as long – This is due to the different rate of evaporation of the perfume from your skin. The best is to experiment with different fragrances to find the three or four that suit you best.

How do I make my fragrance last “all day”?

  • Keep the perfume away from your nose.
  • Keep your perfume bottle away from heat and light
  • Do not rub wrists together, this crushes the perfume. The friction actually breaks down the molecules.
  • Traditional advice is to apply the perfume on hair, wrist, behind the ear, on neck and cleavage, inside of ankles and elbows and back of the knee. The problem is that normally after about half an hour, you can’t smell your perfume. This is called olfactory paralysis, your nose simply cuts out the scent.
  • Try spraying the underside of your breasts, your bellybutton above the pubic bone and the lower part of your back. If you are wearing a skirt or dress, then also apply behind your knees, to get the ‘puff’ effect. Keep the perfume away from your nose.

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