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Microprocessor Cards




Product Sheet

Gemplus' start SIM card for advanced GSM services.

GemXploreŽ 98 is a high-end SIM card developed for value-added services in wireless communications.
With 16K of available space for storing value-added services, this card has been specially designed to support advanced SIM Toolkit applications. GemXplore 98’s key feature is its exclusive embedded interpreter (or virtual machine) that enables quick applet development and prototyping.
GemXplore 98 is capable of supporting application downloads over-the-air and the standard cryptographic algorithms allow you to manage multiple applications, including payment, loyalty, on-line security and much more…
The flexibility of GemXplore 98 makes it the most used value-added service SIM platform application.

SIM Toolkit Execution Platform
GemXplore 98 features a powerful interpreted language that allows easy and rapid application development. This language has been designed by Gemplus to be optimized for SIM Card platforms, addressing key issues such as security and code optimization (efficiency and compactness).

Easy SIM Toolkit VAS developments based on a virtual machine
GemXplore 98 integrates a virtual machine that can run SIM Toolkit applications. Combining this feature with GemXplore CASE graphical SIM Toolkit module (the Menu Editor) creates a powerful development environment that allows operators to develop and prototype their SIM Toolkit applications.

Multi-application possibilities
GemXplore 98 is designed to enable applications which benefit from the wide range of services available with Smart Cards: banking, loyalty, on-line security, etc. GemXplore 98 has several features, such as standard cryptographic algorithms, to allow this kind of multi-application service.

Latest mobile standards supported
GemXplore 98 is compliant with new Mobile Phone standards allowing new business opportunities:

  • DECT: the new European Cordless Phone standard,
  • Satellite Systems: also called MSS (Mobile Satellite Systems), the first Satellite Phone systems will open in 1998 (Iridium and Globalstar) and have already adopted the SIM as the key of their security mechanisms.

Applicable standards
GSM 11.11, 11.12 and 11.14 compliant.
DECT and MSS compliant

Technical specifications

Operating System Version GemXplore 98
Data Integrity Internal Backup mechanism
I/O Protocol T=0
I/O Speeds Standard : 9600 Bds

Max : 115KBds

Memory Capacity EEPROM Memory Size 16K Bytes
W/E Cycling Endurance 100K cycles
Electrical Characteristics External Power Supply 3V and 5V
External Clock Frequency Max : 4MHz (3V) ; 5MHz (5V)

Min : 1MHz

Dynamic Current Consumption < 10 mA (5V)

< 6 mA (3V)

Low Power Consumption Clock Stop Mode available

< 200 ľA