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Microprocessor Cards




GemXpresso RAD
Product Sheet
GemXpresso RAD™ Java™ in your Pocket

Develop smart card applications quickly and easily

GemXpresso RAD™ is a Java-based application development environment that enables developers to quickly and easily build multiapplication smart cards.
GemXpresso RAD provides all the tools you need to easily develop, load and test Java Card applets on a smart card. GemXpresso RAD, an implementation of the Java Card 2.0 API*, offers unprecedented power to the developer with a 32-bit RISC processor embedded in the card.
Finally, an advanced smart-card development platform for businesses, financial institutions and developers to create the next killer application, quickly and easily. GemXpresso RAD (Rapid Applet Development) to develop and run multiple applications, a capability that some experts see as critical for a broad-based acceptance of smart-card solutions.


An Open platform

As a co-founder of the Java Card Forum, Gemplus provided extensive input and feedback to JavaSoft, while the Java Card 2.0 specification was under development.
With Java-based applets running on virtually all platforms, applications developed for a smart card can be easily ported between different vendors cards and between different operating systems, as long as it was developed with the Java Card 2.0 API.
The interoperability of the open, object-oriented Java platform makes it possible for developers to create applications in only a few days, increase competitive product differentiation and lower development cost.

An Upgradeable platform

With a 32-bit RISC processor, the GemXpresso Applet Prototyping Card offers unprecedented power to developers. 32-bit processors are the native runtime environment for the Java interpreted language and Virtual Machine concept.

The power of the processor combined with Java enables now developers to build multi-application smart cards for markets such as electronic commerce, banking, telecommunications, transportation, for application and card evolution. This unique combination also allows issuers to dynamically update the card logic after the card has been issued.


An Object-Oriented platform

GemXpresso RAD brings true object-oriented programming to the smart card. Implementing an object protocol with the Direct Method Invocation one, GemXpresso RAD allows an easy integration of smart cards into distributed architectures.

Java™ allows easy integration of smart cards into information systems

GemXpresso RAD automatically generates the Java program to interface the client application with the methods available in the smart-card applet.


Running GemXpresso RAD

GemXpresso RAD contains:

  • 2 GemXpresso Applet Prototyping Cards
  • 1 GemXpresso Support Card for online support access.
  • 1 stand-alone reader.
  • 1 CD ROM containing the development environment.
  • 1 Quickstart guide.

GemXpresso RAD is compatible with all major Java integrated development environments. Just install the elements of the kit on your PC, and launch the Wizard Program to walk you through the steps to download your applet on the card. You can then immediately start testing your applets.

With your GemXpresso Support Card you can authenticate yourself to securely access the Gemplus Technical Support Website.

Gemplus offers the option of email or telephone technical support. Gemplus also provides consulting and training to help you master this new Java Card environment.

Technical Specifications

Smart Card

  • ISO 7816-2, -3, -4.
  • T=0 protocol.
  • JavaTM Card 2.0 implementation.
  • Object-Oriented protocol.
  • Memory size available for application: 10K + 5K of heap
  • External clock frequency from (1) 3 up to 5Mhz 32 bit RISC CPU.
  • Single power supply 5V +- 5%Temperature range of -25 to 75°C.
  • FLASH Access time: 1 clock cycle access time
  • Data retention: 10 years at 55C Tj


  • Windows ® 95, Windows ® NT-compatible.