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Microprocessor Cards






GPK (Gemplus Public Key) Cards
Product Sheet

A portable and secure solution to access on-line services in Intranet and Internet architectures.

GPK Card

Would You Accept a Transaction Unsigned?
The replacement of paper documents such as purchase orders, generic forms, checks and contracts by electronic documents leads to the critical replacement of handwritten signature by an electronic trustable signature. This can only be achieved using smart cards and public key security schemes. The digital signature is a vital component of all applications such as Internet, corporate MIS transactions, e-commerce, home-banking, identity, health care services... This is why Gemplus is bringing you its public key card technology through its GPK card range.


The GPK4000 is suitable for most Internet Services, including:

  • Secure Web Server Access (SSL)
  • e-mail (S-MIME)
  • Micropayment (MPCOS e-purse)


GPK4000 Options

Product Application
GPK4000-s Signature
GPK4000-su40* Signature and Unwrapping symmetric key (up to 40-bit key length)
GPK4000-su256* Signature and Unwrapping symmetric key (up to 256-bit key length)
GPK4000-sd* Signature and Unwrapping symmetric key (up to 1024-bit key length)

*: For legal reasons, these products are submitted to export license.

On board RSA key generation for 512/1024-bit key length (available as a filter on the card).


GPK4000 Features and Applicable Standards

Features Description
ISO 7816-1, -2, -3, -4 Compliance

Commands, data structure (multi-application) and return codes based on the MPCOS-EMV, ensuring a wide acceptance by application and terminal manufacturers.


Administration Command Set

An enhanced administrative command set is available for easy card personalization.

Secure messaging (3DES)

Payment functionalities The whole MPCOS payment set is available in GPK cards : electronic purse, payment dedicated commands (debit, credit, balance...), EMV compatibility level...
Cryptographic algorithms


DSA 512 bits

RSA 512, 768 bits

RSA 1024 bits (with CRT) - signature only

Hashing : SHA1, MD5

Cryptography features Signature & verification

Random number generator / PKCS#1 padding

SSL signature (1024-bit RSA)

RSA unwrapping applied to a symmetric key (-su & -sd option)

On board 512/1024-bit RSA key generation (-o option)

I/O routines (up to 115,200 Baud) and fast cryptographic routines


GPK4000 cards have the following timing performances:

Performances Signature Verification
RSA 512-bit 160 ms 50 ms
RSA 768-bit 330 ms 430 ms
RSA 1024-bit 1250 ms Not available
DSA 512-bit 150 ms 350 ms