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Microprocessor Cards




Product Sheet

Gemplus multi-application microprocessor card

Gemplus' multi-application microprocessor card offers secure payment and data management features.
The MPCOS-EMV is used in a wide range of applications, including:

Electronic purse (open or closed payment schemes)
Banking debit/credit, passbook, pre-authorized debit, magstripe image)
Public applications (identity, driving license, health care, road pricing)
Access control (logical or physical, etc.)
Multi-purpose (loyalty, retail...)

MPCOS-EMV offer is the most comprehensive range of microprocessor cards on the market. This card draws on Gemplus' considerable experience in smart card design, dating back to one of the earlier microprocessor cards designed in 1989. Gemplus is continually working the MPCOS-EMV range to keep it abreast with the latest market standards. MPCOS-EMV has been selected for all types of applications by more than 100 customers worldwide. Thanks to its high level of security, MPCOS-EMV has been chosen as a national banking standard in several countries.

MPCOS-EMV allows you to upgrade your application when necessary, to implement contactless / Combicard technology (using the future GEM COMBI MPCOS), additional public key cryptography (using the GPK range that is derived from MPCOS-EMV) or other products from Gemplus...

MPCOS-EMV is widely supported by terminal manufacturers.

MPCOS-EMV Product range

An extended range of EEPROM capacities is available to cover all customer needs for data storage and application implementation.

*Available with the 3V option
Size (k bytes)
1 KB
2 KB
4 KB
8 KB
16 KB

All cards are certified by VISA to support the VISA Easy Entry™ application.

MPCOS-EMV Features and Application Standards



ISO 7816-1, -2, -3 compliance The basic communication protocol is T=0. T=1 and T=14 protocols can be
activated optionally in the card.
ISO 7816-4 compliance Commands, data structure (multi-application) and return codes ensuring a wide
acceptance of this range by application issuers and terminal manufacturers.
Administration Command Set An enhanced administrative command set is available for easy card
E-purse features Electronic purse structure and payment dedicated command set (debit,
credit, balance..)
*EMV compatibility
(EMV specifications part 1 & 3)
These compatibility levels allows in particular to implement a VISA Easy EntryTM
application (magstripe image in the smart card according to the VISA
I/O routines (up to 115,200 Baud) and fast cryptographic routines.
ISO 7816-5 compliance The Gemplus Registration ID can be implemented.
Dedicated security features



PIN management and verification
3DES algorithm for authentication, secure messaging,
all payment certificates...
control of balance through floor limit management
sensitive system data protection
Customization features Customization features offer the flexibility required to cover all types of