10 minutes equals 2 hours of exercise

Instead of spending 2 hours training, you can now get the same effect in just 10 minutes with the CRAZY FIT MASSAGE exercise and massage system.   
The CRAZY FIT MASSAGE system is the most scientifically superior method of muscle toning and body reshaping. The system transmits a fast sequence of vibrations specifically designed to activate and stimulate the muscle walls of the body. This allows direct stimulation of the muscles , without producing oxidative stress, which is the typical after effect of intense muscular activity or exercise to the point of producing lactic acid, which is the cause of the disagreeable feeling of ‘hardening’ or stiffening that often follows muscular exercise particularly in unfit people.

Medical advantages of using the CRAZY FIT MASSAGE system

  • Weight loss [slimming and reshaping the body]
  • Anti-cellulite through the promotion of the of the blood flow to the problem areas.
  • Doubling of blood circulation after training resulting in the body carrying off waste products much faster thereby enhancing recovery.
  • Significant hormonal effects from training[increased testosterone and growth hormone and decreased cortisol ‘stress hormone’ ]   
  • Enhances skin and tissue elasticity.
  • Increase of peripheral microcirculation
  • Toning muscles and enhancement of lymphatic drainage
  • Body remodelling
  • Muscle strengthening.
  • Total disengagement of the cardio-circulatory system
  • Prevention of osteoporosis through the maintenance of flexibility in the bones. [Better bone density ]
  • Prevention of venous afflictions of chronic blood insufficiency to the heart, paralyses and atrophy.
  • Rehabilitation in case of sport injuries as may be needed to injuries associated to the Achilles’ tendon or knee lesions

Psycho-physical advantages.

  • Anti-stress
  • Relaxation
  • Enhancement of space and time perception
  • Superior sports training to enhance explosive power and flexibility.

Everyone can benefit from it but not everyone is able to do it. The CRAZY FIT MASSAGE system was specifically designed to address these problems and more, making it the ultimate solution in your weight loss goals.

The CRAZY FIT MASSAGE system stands upright on a base which incorporates a moveable plate that the user must stand on and select the program level that he/she would like to do. Operating smoothly and without provoking alteration to the heartbeat or promoting muscular fatigue, the footplate oscillates at increased levels to enhance and stimulate blood flow and tone the muscle. The system is very simple to use, simply select the program of your choice and stand of the footboard.

The safe and effective approach

Question: what do the following have in common?

  • Arthritis
  • Back pain
  • Osteoporosis
  • Repetitive strain injuries
  • Poor circulation
  • Sports injuries rehabilitation
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Stroke
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Post injury / post rehabilitation

ANSWER: Exercise has been recommended as beneficial for people with these conditions.

Whatever the condition or goals the CRAZY FIT MASSAGE system has been shown to produce similar results to regular exercise in less time, while providing minimal stress on the joints, ligaments and tendons. The CRAZY FIT MASSAGE system is the ideal solution for those that cannot handle the stress of conventional training or lack the time. The CRAZY FIT MASSAGE system’s effect on muscle, bone and blood vessels makes it a safe and effective exercise alternative, or an effective complement to a regular training program to accelerate and enhance your results.

How does it work?

The movement of the vibration plate simulates the body’s natural ‘stretch reflex’ [tonic vibration reflex]. This is similar to the knee jerk reaction that occurs when the knee is tapped by a reflex hammer in a doctors office without thinking of it, your body responds with a strong involuntary muscle contraction leading to your leg ‘kicking’ out. With the CRAZY FIT MASSAGE technology these strong muscle contractions can be repeated at a rapid rate. Due to the involuntary effect on muscle contraction, nearly 100% of the muscle fibres are recruited. Compare this to conventional training where there is only on average 40% muscle recruitment. This benefits the rehabilitation patient looking to add stability and strength to all muscles around their joints, to the athlete looking to maximise strength gains.
The gentle rapid contractions allow the muscle to work as a pump in introducing blood to even the smallest blood vessels. This leads to the ability of the body to carry off waste products much faster, leading to increased peripheral circulation.

What is the age limit to the CRAZY FIT MASSAGE?

There is NO upper age limit. We recommend following general guidelines on resistance training for adolescents. Taking this into consideration we recommend an age limit of 12 years.

Are there any contraindications?

Whole body vibration has already been used quite extensively and there have been no significant side effects or injuries noted. In essence the CRAZY FIT MASSAGE system is as safe as conventional resistance training.

Aging and CRAZY FIT MASSAGE fit massage exercise

  • Improvement in chair rising test, indicative of improvement in muscle power.
  • Improve elements of fall risk and health – related quality of life
  • Ability to promote ambulatory competence [ improved walking] in elderly woman
  • Beneficial for balance and mobility in nursing home residents with limited functional dependency


The following is a list of contraindications that must be kept in mind prior to an individual starting to exercise on the CRAZY FIT MASSAGE system.

  • Acute inflammations
  • Acute joint disorders
  • Acute rheumatoid arthritis
  • Serious cardiovascular diseases
  • Fresh surgery wound
  • Recent joint implants
  • Heart valve disorders
  • Pregnancy
  • Epilepsy
  • Recent thrombosis






Stand up straight with knees slightly bent and holding the handle-bars. Contract your Abdominal / Stomach muscles.
- Trains: Back, Arms


Stand with your knees bent and holding the handle-bars.
- Trains: Back, Legs, Thighs


Stand with one foot on the plate and the other on the ground. Rest hands on waist. Repeat switching legs.
- Trains: Waist, Abdominal / Stomach, Thighs


Stand with one foot on the plate and the other on the ground and holding the handle-bars. Repeat switching legs.
- Trains: Waist, Abdominal / Stomach, Legs


Sit up straight, Contract abdominal muscles and keep back straight.
- Trains: Butt, Legs and improve cellulite


Sit up straight and holding one handle bar.
- Trains: Waist, Legs and upper body


Sit up straight and hold both handle-bars.
- Trains: Legs, Waist and Stomach / Abdominal muscles


Place both feet on the plate and lie down on the floor. Lift hips and keep hands on the floor.
- Trains: Thighs, Hips


Place one foot on the plate while holding other leg straight. Lift hips and keep hands on the floor. Repeat switching legs.
- Trains: Thighs, Hips and Legs


Sit on plate, lie back and contract abdominal muscles. Try not to hold onto the handle-bars.
- Trains: Abdominal / Stomach muscles.


Lie down with stomach on plate. Position feet on main support pole and hands flat on the ground.
- Trains: Hips, Abdominal / Stomach muscles.


Stand on knees and place hands on plate. Keep back straight.
- Trains: Shoulders, Arms, Back, Abdominal / Stomach muscles


Stand on knees and place hands on plate. Lower chest as if doing push-ups.Keep back straight and cross feet.
- Trains: Arms, Shoulders, Chest, Back, Abdominal / Stomach muscles


Position hands on plate. Feet together and lift thighs from floor.Keep back straight and cross feet.
- Trains: Arms, Shoulders, Chest, Abdominal / Stomach muscles


Position hands on plate. Feet together and sit on floor.
- Trains: Arms, Shoulders, Chest, Abdominal / Stomach muscles.


Position feet on plate and hands shoulder width apart on the floor. Keep back straight.
- Trains: Legs, Arms, Shoulders, Chest and Back.


Squat next to machine and on plate. Keep stomach muscles contracted. Switch sides.
- Trains: Arms, Shoulders and Legs.


Lie down with calves on plate and hands flat on the floor.
- Trains: Lower body and improves blood circulation.


Stand up straight with knees slightly bent and holding the handles with palms facing upwards and forearms parallel to the floor. Contract abdominal muscles.
- Trains: Back Arms, contract your Abdominal / Stomach muscles.


Stand up straight with knees slightly bent and holding the handles with palms facing upwards and forearms parallel to the floor. Contract abdominal muscles.
- Trains: Back Arms, contract your Abdominal / Stomach muscles.