Water Heating

Hot Water Kettles

Two types of kettles are available to produce hot water for various purposes. The only difference between this two models, is the fuel used for heating the water.

Coal burning Kettles:
Several models are available in this type:- 220kW, 300kW, 500kW, 800kW, 1200kW and 1400kW. They are all fitted with an automatic underfeed stoker that feeds coal into the combustion area. Our development team is currently working on even larger models.

Wood & Sawdust burning Kettles:
Several models are also available for this type:- 250kW, 500kW, 1000kW, 1200kW and 2000kW. These kettles uses pieces of wood, bark, sawdust and even wet sawdust which is fed by hand as fuel. Conveyors can be used on large models to feed the sawdust into the combustion area. This type of kettle is most popular in the wood & timber industry. See picture at bottom left.

The kettles are used to supply hot water which is then pumped through radiators or secondary heat exchangers to provide either heated air or hot water.

Kettles and radiators are available for heating tunnels, chickenhouses, tobacco- fruit curers, timber kilns and all types of grain dryers.

Kettles with secondary heat exchangers are also available for heating swimming pools or even supply hot water to hostels etc. See picture middle left.

Warm Water Kettles

Twee tipes ketels is beskikbaar om water te verhit vir verskeie aanwendings. Die enigste verskil tussen die twee tipes is die brandstof wat gebruik word vir verhitting..

Steenkool Ketels:
Verskeie modelle is reeds ontwikkel in die tipe nl:- 220kW, 300kW, 500kW, 800kW, 1200kW and 1400kW. Almal is toegerus met `n outomatiese ondervoerstoker wat steenkool in die ontbrandings area invoer. Ons ontwikkeling span is huidiglik besig met navorsing op groter modelle.

Hout & Saagsel Ketels:
Verskeie modelle is ook reeds ontwikkel in die tipe nl:- 250kW, 500kW, 1000kW, 1200kW en 2000kW. Hierdie ketels brand stukke hout, bas, saagsels en selfs nat saagsels wat met die hand gevoer word as brandstof. Vervoerbande kan gebruik word om groter eenhede met saagsels te voer. Hierdie soort ketels word veral gebruik in die hout industrie. Sien foto links onder.

Die ketels word gebruik om water te verhit wat dan deur sekondere hitteruilers gepomp word om sodoende warm water of lug te lewer.

Ketels en radiators is beskikbaar vir tonnels, hoenderhuise, tabak-, vrugte-, hout- en graan droër verhitting..

Ketels met sekondere hitteruilers is ook beskikbaar vir swembad verhitting of selfs om warm water aan hostelle, koshuise ens. te voorsien. Sien foto middel links.

Pool Heating

A high quality Stainless steel secondary heating unit has been developed for the heating of swimming pools. These units are fitted to one of our kettles with fully automated underfeed coalburning stoker and temperature control. (wood burning kettles can also be used)

Models available:
Various sizes are available according to pool sizes.

How it works:
The heated water is circulated through the stainless steel heater, which in turn heats the pool water that is pumped through the heater.

It is recommended to have the units regularly serviced. See our maintanence section for recommended service providers.

Swembad Verhitting

'n Hoë gehalte vlekvrye staal sekondere hitteruiler is ontwikkel vir hierdie doel. Die eenhede word gekoppel aan een van ons ketels wat toegerus is met ten volle outomatiese ondervoerstokers en steenkoolbranders, asook temperatuur beheer. (Kan ook met houtbrander ketels werk)

Modelle beskikbaare:
'n Verskeidenheid groottes is beskikbaar, afhangende van swembad grootte.

Hoe dit werk:
Die warm water word deur die sekondere verhitter se pype gepomp, waardeur die swembad water ook gesirkuleer word. Die hitte word sodoende oorgedra om swembad se water te verhit.

Dit word aanbeveel om die eenhede gereeld te laat diens en sodoende die lewensduur te verleng. Kyk gerus na ons onderhoud afdeling vir aanbeveelde diensverskaffers.

Al die eenhede word kompleet vervaardig en in volledige vorm afgelewer. Na koppeling van elektriese toevoer is dit onmiddelik gereed vir gebruik.