Kids / Teens Models

 Child / Teen models come in these sizes
Model #  Body weight in Kg's
F30 20 - 30kg's
F40 30 - 40kg's
F50 40 - 50kg's
F60 50 - 60kg's
              Second Generation Models
Adult Models

 Adult models come in these sizes
Model #  Body weight in Kg's
M60 50 - 60kg's
M70 60 - 70kg's
M80 70 - 80kg's
M90 80 - 90kg's
M100 90 - 100kg's
M110 100 - 110kg's
First Generation
    Second Generation

                Moving Plate


Prices Excl. VAT


 Children's / Teen's

 Adult's 1st Gen

Adult's 2nd Gen


 R1,550 (No longer avail.)



Improvements made to the Second Generation

   Improvements made to the adult models

 1. Two axles have been added between the top of the jumper and
     the spring, allowing the footplate to rotate making operation
     smoother and more natural. This new design is more durable,
     and by allowing flexion and extension at the ankle, it allows the

     user to jump higher and farther.

 1. The fixed plastic footplate has been changed for moveable
     aluminum alloy footplates. This footplate is far more durable
     and flexible. The new design also reduces the weight of each
     jumper by 400grams (i.e. 800 grams / pair)

 2. Nylon straps replace the old plastic straps. These are stronger
     and hold their positions well without breaking.

 3. A more durable rubber foot that's easier and cheaper to replace.


   Improvements made to the Child / Teen models:
 1. Nylon straps replace the old plastic straps. These are stronger
     and hold their positions well without breaking.

 2. A more durable rubber foot that's easier and cheaper to replace.