Administration Marketing Department Human Resources
Sales Team Research & Development Quality Asurance & Control
Cash & Carry Factory Shop Customer Services Trade Centres
Prestige Projects Factory & Manufacturing Warehouse & Distribution
Training Distributors, Architects, Developers and Contractors
Telesales Despatch Maintenance
Medical Facility Training Centre Entertainment Area
Factory and Manufacturing

Raw Materials Store

The Emulsion Manufacturing Plant Automated Computer Control

When plans for the new factory were drawn up, the production department was given a budget to build an emulsion plant capable of producing one million litres of paint per month, they managed to build the plant capable of more than double that!

The production department is laid out in such a way that, with a simple addition of equipment, such as automated bulk powder silos and filling double lines, improved reliability and production of nearly five million litres per month can be achieved.

Although the plant is not, as yet, fully automated in the areas of material handling and filling, the bulk plant is responsible for nearly 80% of all production.