Administration Marketing Department Human Resources
Sales Team Research & Development Quality Asurance & Control
Cash & Carry Factory Shop Customer Services Trade Centres
Prestige Projects Factory & Manufacturing Warehouse & Distribution
Training Distributors, Architects, Developers and Contractors
Telesales Despatch Maintenance
Medical Facility Training Centre Entertainment Area
Training Distributors, Architect, Developers and Contractors

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When opening a new paint dealership, it is important to know all the technical details of all the products you intend selling.  That is why we at Prominent Paints regularly hold training courses where each and every distributorship attend a paint course, which includes a written exam at the end of the course.  The applicant must successfully pass the examination before distributorship will be awarded.

Prominent Paints also run training courses for staff architects, developers and contractors during the year to keep them up to speed on our new products and innovations.