An inside look at the technology of surveilance brings forward the most advanced and secure way of providing the best service on the market.

A brief look at ROM, Remote Off-Site Monitoring, will provide all the answers to any criminal activity.

By adding cost efficiency into your budget, we cater for all your needs. Wheter it be at the office or factory, ROM will provide you with the solution.

Remote Off-Site Monitoring Remote Monitoring

An inside look at the technology of surveilance brings forward the most advanced and secure way of providing the best service on the market.

A brief look at ROM, Remote Off-Site Monitoring, will provide all the answers to any criminal activity.

By adding cost efficiency into your budget, we cater for all your needs. Wheter it be at the office or factory, ROM will provide you with the solution.

Why Remote Video Monitoring

  • Vigilant 24 hours a day
  • Centralised management and multiple remote sites
  • Appropriate, proactive and fast intervention by specially trained staff
  • Situations defused before they esculate to loss, damage or violence
  • Evidential quality video and audio recording
  • Protection of staff, customers, stock and assets
  • Cost effective and efficient solutions to prevent business disruption
  • Collution factor totally illuminated