Soleil Security is a national guarding and concierge Security Company, with a reputation for professionalism, devotion to duty and a commitment to Our industry. Soleil Security, has and will always be committed to the concept of Multi-racial and non-segregation attitudes and views.

Soleil Security recognises the need for quality security guarding services, hence the reason we are dedicated to satisfying the Client’s needs for the protection of their assets.

We interact with our clients on an individual and group basis through a variety of access channels, ensuring total satisfaction at all times.

Soleil Security is developed around our customer’s needs and changing requirements and to meet those requirements beyond expectations.

Our Staff will be provided with opportunities for growth and development to ensure harmony and contentment at the work place and at home.

We plan to extend Our Company rapidly in the Security Industry. This will be accomplished by having talented, competent and a totally committed work team.

We believe that wisdom builds confidence and to this end, we will continually train and educate our staff, to offer our clients the best Protection service.

Our values are Honesty, Integrity, Respect, Professionalism and Confidentiality.

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Our vision at Soleil Security Services is to maintain and structure ourselves by being a truly Southern African Bussiness in terms of race, gender and culture.

Policy applying to all employees and key componets include :

    • The elimination of any form of discrimination or harassment. This includes any acts or threats that interfere with the perfomance at work of any individual or group on account of race, gender, disability or religion.

    • The appointment of and conditions of service for all staff is non-Discriminatory and the selection procedures are transparent.

    • The requirements for all jobs are clearly formulated and all appointments are made on merit. Those appointed must be able to satisfy perfomance requirements.

    • The intention is to create a culture of high performance standards to the benefit of both the Directors and the Company employees.

The Members and Management have been responsible for implimenting this policy, which is on going to ensure objectives are achieved. The Company is focused on personal growth, coaching and mentorship of Company employees.

Soleil Security Services does not aim to be the largest company in the Industry. It has been the experience that large Security companies tend to lose their effectiveness because, as they take on more and more clients and management becomes to far removed from their day-to-day operations. Supervision starts to slip, communications are too strung out and decision-making suffers as a result. This does not happen with Soleil, because the Directors
handle vital matters personally and are always just a phone call away.

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We at Soleil Security Services are particular aware that the sucess of a service provider relies not only on attracting quality personnel but also on selecting people best suited to each Clients individual needs. We are also acutely aware that security personnel are often the first to greet your clients and the last to bid them farewell. In short they have to project the image of your Company. Grooming and Communication skills are therefore considered as important as the ability to perform a security function.

Our selection procedure include an initial interview based on the sactifactory completion of an application for employment, an aptitude test and reference checks. All potential employees are also screened for previous criminal offences.

Our rate of pay is well above the legislated minimum wages, but it is not only this that attracts and retains our quality personnel, it’s the pride of being part of a highly professional Company that cares as much for its people as it does for its Clients.

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From the moment we meet with a prospective client, our procedures are initiated to ensure the highest standards of service quality are implimented throughout. Procedures are also designed to ensure each step is audited and re-valuated on an ongoing basis.

After a comprehensive assessment of the Client’s needs are done, a site specific Procedure Manual outlining all duties to be performed is compiled in conjuction with the Client. Before regular service begins, the selected complement of personnel is introduced to the site and formally orientated.

Once the service has commenced, regular meetings between management and the Client ensure deficiencies are identified and appropriate action taken. On the job training by Supervisor and management further ensures consistence of service and continuous improvement in accordance with our Quality Management System.

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Better people, better prepared and better managed, these are the ingredients we deem necessary for providing service excellence with a difference.

Each member of Soleil Security Services team involved with your company will be trained to fully undertsand your security need, how the security system of your company works, where internal and external risk are, even the very culture of your organization and its people.

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Wherever possible, security teams dedicated to the Client are structured to provide on-site management, thus ensuring responsability and accountability. An area Manager visits all sites under his control – day and night.

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Our Operational Managers maintain close and regular contact with Clients and conduct regular on-site evaluations. They are further responsible for the compilation of Site Procedure Manuals, the arranging of regular Client meetings where any potential problems can be solved and reporting back to the Client on a regular basis.

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BACK UP (contigency)

Our control room is manned 24 hours per day by experienced Operators and Management that can respond in the event of an emergency. Emergency plans are designed as part of our service and emergency contact numbers are maintained in our control rooms, giving you complete peace of mind.

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We believe that an essential element of success in the industry is to make our people part of a team and at the same time encourage individual initiative and development. Apart from our formal training courses, a great deal of effort is therfore put into developing company pride in both Soleil Security & Concierge Services and in our Clients.

All Soleil Security & Concierge Services recruits undergo a basic training course which covers practical aspects of Security. Specialised training is provided for Personnel deployed at strategic installations. Once a candidate has completed the basic course, a further period is spent on training related to Client’s individual requirements.

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Private Residential security requires a certain strategy to be used. This analysis is based on a joint venture being forged between an Armed Response Company and Soleil Security & Concierge Services. The two are separate Companies with two separate management teams.

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The common armed response radio frequency is used. The Guard communicates with the Armed Response and vice versa. There is direct communication between the Guard, The Armed Response and their control room.

This strategy allows a full description of events. The Armed Response is briefed before he arrives on the scene. The control room will know immediately why a panic alarm has been raised. The Guard will know that assistance is not far and any potential dangerous situation can be discussed by all parties.

The Security Guard on the site carries :

  • Panic button linked to the client alarm
  • Common frequency radio
  • Button, handcuffs and a self-defence spray.
  • Maintains an occurrence Book which the Inspector signs on his site visits.
  • The guard must have a rechargeable torch and an electric power to charge the batteries.

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The risk to the client is analysed as follows :

  • Arriving home before entering the property.
  • Leaving the property
  • Whilst strolling outside of the property
  • Surprising an intruder/s on entering the property
  • Normal loss/damage to property whilst away

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In many instances criminals simply believe that, because the occupants of a house seem to be wealthy that plenty of valuables such as hard cash, jewellery and firearms are kept on the premises.
They then seek to gain entry by holding the occupants up as they arrive home or leave so that they can circumvent:

  • Security gates
  • The alarm system
  • And finally force the occupants to open the safe/s that they expect to find on the premises.

Often enough the reality of the situation is the reverse and on discovering that their perception is wrong the criminals resort to violence with potentially life threatening results.

Bearing these factors in mind the client must :

  • Have a fully functional alarm system.
  • Have the alarm on 24-hour monitoring
  • Subscribe to the Armed Response service

The Security Guard becomes the first line of defence however and realistically produces the following invaluable service:
He constantly monitors the scenario outside of the property and when permitted, inside the grounds as well.
The panic button is pressed outside before the client has any confrontation with the attacker/s.

Relevant information such as :

  • Motor vehicle registrations and types
  • Descriptions of suspicious persons
  • Scrutiny of deliveries and labourers

Is constantly relayed to the network for immediate attention by the Armed Response.

Of course given the many unprotected Properties which abound, the simple fact that a well co-ordinated security system is in place acts as the main deterrent.

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Ensuring that Security Guards are correctly deployed entails the following:

  • All guards are PSIRA accredited (The Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority.
  • All security guards are trained to a minimum level of grade D.
  • Soleil Security Guards are paid approximately 20% higher than their grades warrant.
  • Guards work 2 days shifts, 2 nights shifts then 2 days off (12hours shifts)
  • Permanent teams are employed thereby ensuring that the Guards become familiar with both the Client/s and his
  • terrain/area of responsibility.
  • Constant supervision by Soleil Security management and the Armed Response Officers.

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  • Determination of the contract fee
  • Payment by the 25th of each month
  • Three calendar months notice between parties
  • Clarity on the job description.

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