Company Profile
Services Summary
Security Officers
Panic Alarm System
Patrol System
Response Unit
Crime Prevention Patrol Options
Contact Information
Bicycle and Foot Patrol Units

This system is specifically designed for residential neighbourhood security. It is only effective if enough residents in the area contribute to the project. The Security Officer will conduct regular and continuous visible foot or bicycle patrols of the area. All contributing members will have a MANTRAC patrol point installed at their premises and the Security Officer will be required to activate the MANTRAC patrol system every time he patrols the members premises. The Security Officers will also be able to call upon the Response Unit in the event of emergencies. These visible patrols are a strategy that has proven itself in deterring criminal activity and creating cleaner and safer neighbourhoods. The cost for members will depend on the number of participants and the size of the area to be covered. We recommend an area of no more than 1 km squared per Patrol Officer.


Crime Prevention Patrol Unit

This system has been developed for residences and blocks of flats as a cost effective alternative to 24 hour static guarding. The Crime Prevention Patrol Unit will conduct regular PRO-ACTIVE patrols of your premises. We will install the MANTRAC patrol system at your premises and the Patrol Unit will be required to activate the MANTRAC patrol system every time an inspection of the premises is carried out. Our clients will be able to call upon our Response Unit in the event of any emergencies or to deal with security problems that may occur.