Company Profile
Services Summary
Security Officers
Panic Alarm System
Patrol System
Response Unit
Crime Prevention Patrol Options
Contact Information

Talon Security believe that by recruiting the finest Security Officers, investing in Additional Training courses and by paying an above average wage we can offer our clients more skilled, motivated and confident Security Officers. Talon Security employs only the most qualified and suitable personnel selected from the most reputable training centres.


Selection and Training

All personnel must pass a stringent selection program and are security checked with the assistance of SIRA (Security Industry Regulatory Authority) and the SAPS (South African Police Service). Talon Security invests both time and resources in providing our Security Officers with additional on and off site training. We believe that by giving our personnel additional skills we can offer a more confident, skilled and motivated Security Officer, which will be able to better serve our clients and to carry out his duties professionally and effectively. This gives added value to the role of the Security Officer.


Security Officers are equipped with Mantrac patrol batons, two-way radios (where necessary), batons, pepper spray, handcuffs and a cell phone which is linked to our 24 Hour Response Unit. All our Armed Security Officers undergo advanced and ongoing firearm training and must regularly qualify in order to be permitted to carry any firearm.