Our cost effective machines are perfect for any entrepreneur with access to labour and a ready market. Our machine is totally hand operated. After the bricks have been compacted the machine can easily be lifted by working one lever, and moved forward to repeating the process. With one worker, 1000 bricks can be made in a day. With 6 workers you can produce 1000 bricks per hour.
If you are fortunate enough to have a cement mixer, fewer workers are required. The bricks are compacted and formed on their sides and can be removed the following day, stored and kept damp to harden in ± 2 weeks.
Hundreds of these machines have already been sold in South Africa and throughout Africa, and are used daily with great success. Our machines are strongly built using a very efficient design, so that they can be serviced and repaired quickly to minimise downtime. No spare parts are needed, except ball bearings, which are readily available.