Dampproofing Contractors
Dampproofing Services Dampproofing Company Damp

Amecon Dampproofing

What is Rising Damp?

Rising Damp is caused by moisture rising from the ground into the walls of a building. Damp is able to rise up the walls because most construction materials contain tiny pores. These pores "suck" water from the ground, causing moisture to rise up the wall in the same way that oil rises through the wick of a lamp. The height to which rising damp will rise up a wall depends on a number of factors including the size of the pores in the wall, the type of wallpaper or paint on the wall, and the degree of dampness in the ground. In most cases, rising damp is unlikely to rise above 1.5m. Diagnosing Rising Damp correctly is a skilful and intelligent analysis of the possible factors which may contribute to the appearance of damp. Other factors like ,Lateral Damp & Penetrating Damp, Falling or Descending Damp and Condensation must however also be considered before conclusions are reached that the cause is rising damp. Good housekeeping has proven fundamental in minimizing and or eliminating damp.


Services Offered:


This system is often used where the ground levels internally and externally differ, and the DPC breached. Once the plaster has become wet, it is imperative that it be removed. Even if the wall does dry out, hydroscopic salts are left behind which attract moisture onto the wall. The plaster is removed back to the brick-work, and a mixture of cement / Latseal and Bondaid is applied to the bricks. There after the wall is re-plastered, using a mixture of sand and cement, incorporating Renderguard Gold waterproofing additive.


This system creates a new damp proofing course. The plaster is removed from the walls, and 12mm holes drilled into the motar bed spaced evenly at 110mm in the first row above the horizontal damp course. A non-hazardous fluid is then injected into the holes – Dryzone – thus forming a new damp course. A cement / Latseal and Bondaid Plus mixture is then applied onto the brickwork and the wall re-plastered incorporating Renderguard Gold waterproofing additive.

This system carries a 10 year guarantee.


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Damp Proofing